Monday, December 25, 2023

Sweat and Stink . . . How and Why . . . What Can You Do About It?

Sweat is a good thing, right? Physiologically sweating is absolutely a good thing. Our body would overheat if we did not sweat. The stink that comes with sweating is not a good thing!

Why don't you smell body odor in young children?

"Sweating is a natural body process, but due to certain foods we eat, hygiene practices or genetics, sweat can have a bad smell once it comes into contact with your skin. Changes in the amount you sweat or the smell of your body odor could indicate a medical condition."

"Can certain foods cause body odor?

The saying, "you are what you eat, may apply to body odor. If you eat food rich in sulfur, you may develop body odor. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs. When your body secretes it in your sweat it can put off an unpleasant smell. Examples of sulfur-rich foods are: onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red meat. Other common dietary triggers of bad body odor are: monosodium glutamate (MSG), caffeine, spices like curry or cumin, hot sauce or other spicy food, alcohol. Eliminating or reducing these triggers may help improve your body odor."

Check out how and why you sweat, stink and what you can do about it!

Before you reach for the antibacterial skin care products, please read this:

"Antibacterial Soap? You Can Skip It, Use Plain Soap and Water",and%20to%20prevent%20spreading%20germs.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System If You’re Over 65

Generally, October through May is flu season. Although flu season is diminished, we still need to think about boosting our immunity. The article is geared toward those over the age of sixty-five. However, those 65 years old and younger will also benefit.

As you take a look at the 8 ways to boost your immune system, look back through previous Comfort Therapy posts to find more helpful information. 

For example did you know there's a difference between rest and sleep? Check out the post from 2019!

Here is a bonus item.

How does immunity work when you are exposed to a disease?

"The immune system keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick."

Immune system explained - Better Health Channel

Help your immune system to help yourself stay well!

Life is hard...Find a comfortable place!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

World Labyrinth Day May 6, 2023 at The Red Oak Tree Labyrinth

 The Red Oak Tree Labyrinth at Comfort Therapy LLC Celebrated World Labyrinth Day!

The labyrinth is a beautiful spiraling pathway uniting us with the energy around us. Walking the labyrinth is a way to connect to healing, creativity and intuition. The 180 degree turns help to balance the left (logical, analytical) and right (imaginative, creative, intuitive) brain. There are no tricks, it is not a maze. You end where you begin, and begin where you end. It is the circle of life. It allows you to slow down and create harmony within your body, mind/soul and spirit. Walking the labyrinth is an expression of thanks and remembrance of our universal spirit connection, and the divine in all things.

We "Walked as One for Peace". At 1 p.m. in our respective time zones around the world, labyrinth enthusiasts dedicated a labyrinth walk for world peace. We had a moment of  silence for our personal reflection of "peace" before we began the walk. After the group walked, we enjoyed a beverage, snacks, a personal 5x7 finger labyrinth travel card and good conversation. 

Enjoy the brief videos of our event. It was a 15 minute walk. I condensed it into 5 one minute segments. Thank you, Alaina and Bryan for making the video possible!

Watch to see if you can feel and see the energy moving, like the ebb and tide of the ocean, the sunrise and sunset, the inhale and exhale of the breath of life!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Let This Mind Be In You

 Did you know positive thinking can bring you comfort? It is powerful!

"Negative thoughts outnumber our positive thoughts daily, and negative thoughts have a greater impact on us than positive thoughts."

"A solution is to try to change your thoughts from negative to be more positive."

"These two steps can be used to change your thoughts to be more positive. These strategies come from research on how human brains process emotion and regulate stress."

Check out these two steps to help you change from negative to positive thinking!

COMFORT THERAPY TIP:  Step 3. Make "YOU" statements, positive statements!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Woman to Woman and for Those Who Love Us

It's a New Year! Life brings many challenges. One common to women is menopause! It is a broad topic. The focus for this blog is the emotional challenges of menopause, how you can help yourself and how others can support you. Find a comfortable place.


"Women are more commonly affected by panic attacks than men. This distinction becomes more evident with age, particularly when women reach the age of menopause. This increased likelihood of panic attacks after menopause is thought to due to the hormonal changes that occur around the age of menopause."

Be sure to watch the video: "Panic attacks during menopause & how to deal with them"


"Can Menopause Cause Anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks?

What to expect and how to handle it"


"Learn what goes on during a woman's menopause -- and how to help..." 

"The average age of menopause in the U.S. is 51, but many women start to get symptoms in their early 40s. They can begin as early as 7 years before a woman's final period and last 5 years or more afterward -- that's some 12 years of disruptive symptoms..."