Thursday, October 1, 2020

September: National Preparedness Month

It is good to be prepared for whatever you think, you need to be ready for. 

What one, two or three things would you need if you had to leave your home in a hurry? Medications, money, gasoline? Find one thing to be prepared for should the need arise. 

This year in addition to emergency preparedness, I am preparing for 6 months of food staples due to the current health challenge throughout the world. As a nurse I know the cold weather brings more stress on the immune system. The air is drier and without good humidity in the house the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes dry out faster, thus leaving you more vulnerable to viral infections. 

Check out the post from July 28, 2020.

The immune system is also challenged due to people not slowing down and taking more time to sleep, rest and renew. Limiting the amount of time spent shopping decreases your exposure to seasonal viruses. We are used to the convenience of just running out to the store. Planning ahead will give you more time to take the extra time to sleep, rest and renew. 

Check out the post from February 27, 2019 

"Despite numerous studies proving the negative health impacts of poor sleep, experts say many people still don’t prioritize getting enough sleep."

Here is a good tip on 911 emergency preparedness.

Did you know you can text to 911? What if you can't talk or do not want to speak?

Prepare to stay safe, be well and rest and renew.


Time waits for no one!

Where does time go? It truly is only in the here and now. August was the month for the time of harvest. What have you gathered to share with others?

Our family was blessed to safely gather together just before the harvest month. We shared our love for each other and our hope for comfort for those in need. 

There is a rhythm to life. Nature continues in the rhythm of the cycle of life and death, sunrise, sunset, over and over. Find your harvest and share it with someone.

“Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look What happens With a love like that, It lights the whole sky.” – Hafiz

"As" always.