Tuesday, June 2, 2020

To Every Thing There Is A Season

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
I spent the month of April "Safe at Home" not in quarantine. I spent the month of May safely coming out of my home. While at home I made it a point to get plenty of fresh air, sunshine and exercise doing outside work. With the help of a friend I made significant progress on developing a walking labyrinth. I call it "The Red Oak Labyrinth". When completed it will be part of the comfort and well-being consultation offerings for Comfort Therapy. It is also an item I can check off of my bucket list. I enjoy the calm that walking a labyrinth as a spiritual meditation brings to harmonizing body, mind and spirit in unity.

Red Oak Tree Labyrinth
“King of the Forest” the mighty oak is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied in its towering strength. It symbolizes: longevity, humble beginnings, patience, faith, power, endurance, and strength.
The Labyrinth is a beautiful spiraling pathway uniting us with the energy around us. The conscious intent of creating this sacred space originates in our awareness of the divine. Walking the labyrinth is a way to connect to healing, creativity and intuition.
There is no right or wrong way to use the labyrinth. It is not a maze, there are no dead ends or tricks. You end where you begin and begin where you end. It is the circle of life.
It is an opportunity to slow down and find your inner strength, the mirror of the soul, creating harmony within your body, mind/soul and spirit. Walking the labyrinth is an expression of thanks and remembrance of the divine in all things.

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